Looking For a Great Mortgage? I’d Love To Work With You!


Let’s Connect! 604-506-1991


Tara Gentles, Mortgage Broker

Hello, I’m Tara Gentles, and I've been guiding clients through the complexities of mortgage financing since 2006, though my journey in lending began even earlier. Starting in the local credit unions, I quickly realized the need for a diverse range of products tailored to individual needs, which led me to become a broker.

As a Mortgage Expert with Brokers Squared, I leverage a vast network of lenders and products to ensure my clients secure the ideal mortgage at the most favorable rate.

Proudly calling Langley home, I prioritize flexibility, meeting clients at times and places convenient for them. Over the years, I've successfully facilitated financing for diverse clientele, from first-time homebuyers to seasoned real estate investors. With experience across all mortgage types, I consistently find optimal solutions for my clients, making the mortgage process straightforward with clear explanations of available options.

On a personal note, I cherish my role as a mom to three amazing grown humans. Embracing the philosophy that life is fleeting, I advocate for seizing the moment—whether it's embarking on spontaneous adventures or ensuring there's room in the budget for both practical savings and enjoyable experiences.

If you're considering mortgage financing, I'm here to assist. Please feel free to reach out at your convenience—I'd be honored to collaborate with you!

Nice things people have said about working with me.

Home Purchase
If you are looking to purchase a property, understanding all the mortgage options available to you can seem overwhelming. That’s where I come in, I do this everyday, and I love it. I will help you make sense of all the numbers guide you through the process.
Are you looking to access some of the equity built up in your property? Maybe you want to consolidate some debts, start a new business, buy a vacation or investment property, or travel the world… regardless, let’s discuss all your mortgage options!
If you are within six months of your mortgage renewal, or if your existing lender has sent you a renewal offer in the mail, I can give you a second opinion, and in most cases save you money. Never just sign the offer, there is always room to negotiate.
Contact Me Anytime
Obviously there are a lot more services I can offer and a lot more information I can share with you. Consider this my invitation to contact me with your questions. My goal is to set you up with the right mortgage for you, then help you build a plan to get rid of it.

I have developed excellent relationships with lenders across the country, 
let’s figure out which one has the best products for you.
By Tara Gentles 08 Oct, 2024
It’s a commonly held belief that if you’ve made your mortgage payments on time throughout the entirety of your mortgage term, that the lender is somehow obligated to renew your mortgage. The truth is, a lender is never under any obligation to renew your mortgage. When you sign a mortgage contract, the lender draws it up for a defined time, so when that term comes to an end, the lender has every right to call the loan. Now, granted, most lenders are happy to renew your mortgage, but several factors could come into play to prevent this from happening, including the following: You’ve missed mortgage payments over the term. The lender becomes aware that you’ve recently claimed bankruptcy. The lender becomes aware that you’re going through a separation or divorce. The lender becomes aware that you lost your job. Someone on the initial mortgage contract has passed away. The lender no longer likes the economic climate and/or geographic location of your property. The lender is no longer licensed to lend money in Canada. Again, while most lenders are happy to renew your mortgage at the end of the term, you need to understand that they are not under any obligation to do so. So how do you protect yourself? Well, the first plan of action is to get out in front of things. At least 120 days before your mortgage term expires, you should be speaking with an independent mortgage professional to discuss all of your options. By giving yourself this lead time and seeking professional advice, you put yourself in the best position to proactively look at all your options and decide what’s best for you. When assessing your options at the time of renewal, even if the lender offers you a mortgage renewal, staying with your current lender is just one of the options you have. Just because your current lender was the best option when you got your mortgage doesn’t mean they are still the best option this time around. The goal is to assess all your options and choose the one that lowers your overall cost of borrowing. It’s never a good idea to sign a mortgage renewal without looking at all your options. Also, dealing with an independent mortgage professional instead of directly with the lender ensures you have someone working for you, on your team, instead of seeking guidance from someone with the lender’s best interest in mind. So if you have a mortgage that’s up for renewal, whether you’re being offered a renewal or not, the best plan of action is to protect yourself by working with an independent mortgage professional. Please connect anytime; it would be a pleasure to work with you!
By Tara Gentles 30 Sep, 2024
Starting November 21, 2024, borrowers switching lenders with uninsured mortgages will no longer face the stress test, thanks to a new policy from OSFI. Previously, uninsured borrowers needed to prove they could afford their mortgage at a higher rate, which created barriers to switching for better terms. This change encourages competition among lenders and aligns the rules with insured mortgages, providing more flexibility and choice for homeowners. The decision responds to concerns raised by the Competition Bureau and reflects shifting risk management trends in the mortgage market. Key Points: Applies to Straight Switches: This policy is for borrowers switching lenders while maintaining their loan amount and amortization schedule. Stress Test Removed: No more proving affordability at higher rates during switches, allowing for easier access to competitive offers. Supports Borrower Flexibility: Homeowners now have more options to find the best mortgage rates at renewal without the stress test obstacle. Why the Change? OSFI initially maintained the stress test to manage risk but has now reversed this stance after evaluating that the original concerns have not significantly materialized. This move is designed to balance fairness for borrowers and enhance competition in the mortgage market. How It Affects You For those with uninsured mortgages approaching renewal, this policy change is a win. You'll now have the opportunity to seek out better mortgage rates without facing a stress test, making it easier to reduce financial strain, especially in a rising interest rate environment. Stay informed and take advantage of these changes by reviewing your mortgage options today!
By Tara Gentles 24 Sep, 2024
When looking to qualify for a mortgage, typically, a lender will want to review four areas of your mortgage application: income, credit, downpayment/equity and the property itself. Assuming you have a great job, excellent credit, and sufficient money in the bank to qualify for a mortgage, if the property you’re looking to purchase isn’t in good condition, if you don't have a plan, you might get some pushback from the lender. The property matters to the lender because they hold it as collateral if you default on your mortgage. As such, you can expect that a lender will make every effort to ensure that any property they finance is in good repair. Because in the rare case that you happen to default on your mortgage, they want to know that if they have to repossess, they can sell the property quickly and recoup their money. So when assessing the property as part of any mortgage transaction, an appraisal is always required to establish value. If your mortgage requires default mortgage insurance through CMHC, Sagen (formerly Genworth), or Canada Guaranty, they’ll likely use an automated system to appraise the property where the assessment happens online. A physical appraisal is required for conventional mortgage applications, which means an appraiser will assess the property on-site. So why is this important to know? Well, because even if you have a great job, excellent credit, and money in the bank, you shouldn’t assume that you’ll be guaranteed mortgage financing. A preapproval can only take you so far. Once the mortgage process has started, the lender will always assess the property you’re looking to purchase. Understanding this ahead of time prevents misunderstandings and will bring clarity to the mortgage process. Practically applied, if you’re attempting to buy a property in a hot housing market and you go in with an offer without a condition of financing, once the appraisal is complete, if the lender isn’t satisfied with the state or value of the property, you could lose your deposit. Now, what happens if you’d like to purchase a property that isn’t in the best condition? Being proactive includes knowing that there is a purchase plus improvements program that can allow you to buy a property and include some of the cost of the renovations in the mortgage. It’s not as simple as just increasing the mortgage amount and then getting the work done, there’s a process to follow, but it’s very doable. So if you have any questions about financing your next property or potentially using a purchase plus improvements to buy a property that needs a little work, please connect anytime. It would be a pleasure to walk you through the process.
By Tara Gentles 17 Sep, 2024
As of August 1, 2024, the federal government introduced changes to support homebuyers, particularly Millennials and Gen Z. First-time homebuyers purchasing new builds can now access 30-year insured mortgage amortizations , reducing monthly payments and making it easier to afford a home. Additionally, as of December 15, 2024, several major reforms will take effect: The price cap for insured mortgages will rise from $1 million to $1.5 million, helping more Canadians qualify for mortgages with less than 20% down. 30-year amortizations will be available to all first-time homebuyers and buyers of new builds , including condominiums. This expansion will incentivize new housing supply, addressing the country’s housing shortage and making homeownership more accessible. These reforms are part of a broader housing strategy that includes the Canadian Mortgage Charter , which enables insured mortgage holders to switch lenders without undergoing a new stress test at renewal. This promotes competition among lenders, ensuring more Canadians can access better mortgage deals. In addition to these housing measures, the government has introduced the Renters' Bill of Rights and the Home Buyers' Bill of Rights to protect Canadians from unfair practices, ensure transparency in leases and sales, and simplify homebuying procedures. With $5 billion available through the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund , the federal government is working with provinces and territories to make housing fairer and more accessible for all Canadians. Stay tuned for further updates, and if you’re planning to buy a home or need more information, book a call with me to learn how these new rules can benefit you!
By Tara Gentles 17 Sep, 2024
In Budget 2024, the Canadian government introduced significant changes to help first-time homebuyers by extending mortgage amortization periods up to 30 years for those purchasing newly built homes. Effective August 1, 2024, this change will help ease monthly mortgage payments, making homeownership more accessible. Key Eligibility Criteria for First-Time Buyers: First-Time Buyer Status: At least one borrower must qualify as a first-time homebuyer, meaning they have either never owned a home, haven't lived in a home they owned in the past four years, or recently went through a marriage breakdown. Newly Built Homes: The property must be a newly constructed home that has never been occupied. These extended mortgages will only apply to high-ratio mortgages (loans covering more than 80% of the home’s purchase price) and are limited to owner-occupied properties. All other mortgage insurance eligibility criteria remain unchanged. CMHC’s New Amortization Rules for Market MLI and MLI Select Programs The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has also introduced changes. As of June 19, 2024, the maximum amortization period for new construction market projects will increase from 40 years to 50 years. Additionally, the maximum period for re-amortization (for default management) will extend to 55 years for loans under the MLI Select Program. These changes aim to encourage the construction of more rental housing units while managing housing affordability. CMHC’s modifications also include updates to energy efficiency criteria, lowering the maximum points from 100 to 50 based on energy efficiency, which means developers may need to shift focus toward affordable units to receive maximum benefits. Changes to "Use of Funds" and Refinancing CMHC has lifted restrictions on how refinanced funds can be used, reverting to pre-2020 rules. This allows non-approved lenders to offer bridge loans, creating more flexibility in financing options. Environmental Site Contamination Policies In response to industry practices, CMHC is reviewing its environmental site contamination policies. For now, projects with known site contamination will be accepted under conditional approval, pending a contamination-free site confirmation. Why These Changes Matter For first-time homebuyers, the ability to spread mortgage payments over 30 years is a welcome relief in today’s housing market, particularly for newly built homes. These changes are designed to improve housing affordability and supply, especially for younger Canadians looking to purchase their first home. Meanwhile, CMHC’s new rules around extended amortizations and energy efficiency adjustments will have a significant impact on developers, especially those focused on building rental properties or using energy-efficient technologies in their projects. If you're considering buying a home or developing a property, these changes could impact your strategy. To fully understand how these updates may apply to your situation, it's important to consult with a mortgage expert who can offer personalized advice. Want to know how these changes could affect your home buying or property development plans? Book a call with a mortgage expert today to explore your options!
By Tara Gentles 10 Sep, 2024
Chances are if the title of this article piqued your interest enough to get you here, your family is probably growing. Congratulations! If you’ve thought now is the time to find a new property to accommodate your growing family, but you’re unsure how your parental leave will impact your ability to get a mortgage, you’ve come to the right place! Here’s how it works. When you work with an independent mortgage professional, it won’t be a problem to qualify your income on a mortgage application while on parental leave, as long as you have documentation proving that you have guaranteed employment when you return to work. A word of caution, if you walk into your local bank to look for a mortgage and you disclose that you’re currently collecting parental leave, there’s a chance they’ll only allow you to use that income to qualify. This reduction in income isn’t ideal because at 55% of your previous income up to $595/week, you won’t be eligible to borrow as much, limiting your options. The advantage of working with an independent mortgage professional is choice. You have a choice between lenders and mortgage products, including lenders who use 100% of your return-to-work income. To qualify, you’ll need an employment letter from your current employer that states the following: Your employer’s name preferably on the company letterhead Your position Your initial start date to ensure you’ve passed any probationary period Your scheduled return to work date Your guaranteed salary For a lender to feel confident about your ability to cover your mortgage payments, they want to see that you have a position waiting for you once your parental leave is over. You might also be required to provide a history of your income for the past couple of years, but that is typical of mortgage financing. Whether you intend to return to work after your parental leave is over or not, once the mortgage is in place, what you decide to do is entirely up to you. Mortgage qualification requires only that you have a position waiting for you. If you have any questions about this or anything else mortgage-related, please connect anytime. It would be a pleasure to work with you.

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